..Our work

Our Work

Born in Africa's projects are structured in a 3-fold strategy which supports the children and families in the program in their different needs.

Born in Africa strives to break the cycle of students dropping out of high school by supporting them academically and financially in their studies, all the way to university or college! This is why the career guidance, homework support and bursaries we offer in the academic program, are so important!

Children who grow up in the townships are raised to survive, as life in these areas can be quite rough. Spending time to identify your personal needs, feelings and talents, is not part of this lifestyle. We make children think about these things and challenge them to be role models in their communities by being respectful, open- minded and empathic for themselves and others in their community. This is done by the mentors of Born in Africa who work individually and in group with the Born in Africa children in light of the social program.

Lastly, Born in Africa focuses on equipping children with important life skills. This goes from learning how to ride a bicycle in kindergarten, taking children on educational outings to teach them about their area, teaching them how to swim and even taking them out on a camp. 

Born in Africa supports a number of activities and projects, and through our facebook page and newsletter we are able to keep you informed about our latest projects. We regularly post new photos of our activities and projects on this site, so that you may see how your personal donation is being used by Born in Africa.

Academic Programme

Academic Programme

Born in Africa’s academic programme aims at supporting school going children and young adults in their academic career so they...

Social Programme

Social Programme

Born in Africa’s social programme aims at developing strong social and emotional skills amongst the children in the Born in...

Life Skills Programme


Life Skills Programme

Born in Africa’s life skills programme intends to expose Born in Africa children to the broader environment outside of...