18 August 2016- Spelling bee competition

Our very first edition of the Born in Africa Spelling competition was held on Thursday 18 August and what a success it was! One could definitely feel the tension in the air when entering the hall of The Crags Primary school. 46 children were selected by their mentors to compete for the pride of their school in the spelling bee. And how motivated they were to win! It was truly amazing to witness how the top 4 children of each grade got on stage and gave their best at spelling all of those difficult Afrikaans words. Our amazing master of ceremony Mrs Louw and judges Mrs Koeberg, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Loggenberg did a great job at scoring each competitor individually. Congratulations to all of our winners at the competition and all the other kids who were selected to participate! You have all done outstandingly well and we are very proud of you! We would also like to thank our mentors: Sarija, Marita, Catherine and Belinda for practicing so intensely with the children over the past weeks. Thank you to Crags Primary School for letting us use their venue, Woolworths for the donation of the nice snacks, Valerie, Isabelle and Veronique for all the paperwork and preparations and last but definitely not least we owe a big thank you to Jef Michielsen for donating bicycles and vouchers to use as prizes. Our volunteers Sofie and Eline were also a big help on the day. It all led up to another amazing day for Born in Africa. Well done to all of you!

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